In the last few years, it may be argued that women have made greater gains in society. In the entertainment industry and workplaces there is greater scrutiny on misogyny and abuse.
The Curtains of Silence, is a self-portrait performative photographic series that predates the current
“MeToo movement”. Its wider messaging relates to injustices women face in a society. In this project I insert myself, as a woman in a similitude of spaces where sexual harassment, rape and domestic abuse is experienced. This is not only an Africa narrative but one with global ramifications.
The popular idea perpetuated by the media would have us believe that sexual harassment is mostly a work place problem but as every woman will tell you, harassment and abuse is endemic in any space where humans interact. My interests as an artist is to train our lens into those spaces such as schools, hospitals, homes, streets and religious institutions and other spaces known as “safe spaces” where sexual harassment and abuse is rife.