HAIRFIXATION is a series of photographs that reflect upon the fixation and almost obsession that women have with artificial hair. For a woman hair is a significant part of her identity. The artist wants to depict through her portraits how women have turn into prisoners of what beauty standards imposed by society and why because of this some end up losing their own unique identities.
The images shows a woman whose hair has taken over her completely. The hair has become her mask. The mask she wants the world to see. The viewer never sees the face of the woman, it is not necessary nor important. Her own persona has been engulfed by the artificial hair she desired and it ended up consuming her. The artist wants the beholder to realise that hair can be a veil to hide behind, or a prop to show off and be bold.
In Nigeria many women don’t want to accept themselves as they are but neither does society. The idea of beauty has been sold longtime ago by the mainstream media of what beauty is. Women want to change how they look in the hope of achieving this ideal. Maybe what has to change is the concept of beauty and value and not women themselves.